タイトル:An Effective Design for Hierarchical Test Generation Based on Strong Testability
著者: Hideyuki Ichihara, Naoki Okamoto, Tomoo Inoue, Toshinori Hosokawa, Hideo Fujiwara
雑誌名:Proc. IEEE Asian Test Symposium
ページ: 288-293
発行月: 12
発行年: 2005
タイプ: inproceedings
アブストラクト: Hierarchical test generation is an efficient method of test generation for VLSI circuits. In this paper, we study a test plan generation algorithm for hierarchical test based on strong testability. We propose a heuristic algorithm for finding a control forest requiring a small number of hold functions by improving an existing test plan generation algorithm based on strong testability. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is effective in reducing additional hold functions, i.e., reducing hardware overhead and delay penalty of datapaths.