Title:A Study on Acceptable Faults in Digital Filters

Authors: Takumi Miyaguchi, Yuki Yoshikawa, Hideyuki Ichihara, Tomoo Inoue

Jounrnals:IEICE Tech. Repo.

Volume: 109

Number: 416

Pages: 63-68

Published Month: 2

Published Year: 2010

Type: techreport

In this paper, we propose a method for distinguishing acceptable and unacceptable faults in digital filters. Analyzing the characteristic of digital filters, we define the fault acceptability based on error accumulation. According to this definition, as an improvement of the threshold test generation method proposed incite{sutoh}, we can propose two models, which are applicable to combinational ATPG, for identifying the acceptablity of faults. Experimental results for one of the proposed model can show the effectiveness of the proposed model.

Reference: http://www.ieice.org/ken/paper/201002152aVI/