Title:A Handshake-delay-aware Scheduling Algorithm in High-level Synthesis for Four-phase Dual-rail Asynchronous Systems

Authors: Kohta Itani, Tsuyoshi Iwagaki, Hideyuki Ichihara, Tomoo Inoue

Jounrnals:IEICE Tech. Repo., vol. 115, no. 339, DC2015-56

Pages: 147-152

Published Month: 12

Published Year: 2015

Type: techreport

This report is intended to discuss the scheduling problem in high-level synthesis~(HLS) for four-phase dual-rail asynchronous systems.For a data-flow graph~(DFG) given as an input to HLS, scheduling which orders independent operations affects not only the concurrency of operations, i.e., shareability of operational units performing those operations, but also delay due to handshake that controls the start/completion of each operation. It is important to consider the whole circuit delay, i.e., latency, including handshake-delay in scheduling because it is not negligible compared with operation-delay. On the other hand, in operation chaining which is known as a technique to reduce latency, handshakes for the operations in an operation-chain are lumped together and it leads to reduce handshake-delay. It is, therefore, also important to take operation chaining into account in scheduling. On the basis of the above discussion, a heuristic algorithm is proposed
to solve the latency minimization problem under resource constraints in terms of the number of operational units while considering operation chaining. Several results are shown by applying the proposed algorithm to a benchmark DFG.

Reference: http://www.ieice.org/ken/paper/20151203abED/